
"The peace agreement will be delayed. It is related to the mediation competition of the superpowers". Gantaharyan

Radar Armenia's interlocutor is Shahan Gantaharyan, an international scholar.

- The joint Armenian-American exercises have caused concerns in neighboring Iran. Iran's Foreign Minister stated that any presence of foreign forces in the region would further complicate the situation. What issue is solved by these military exercises if it cause the displeasure of neighboring countries?

- Iran's concern is not one-way. It's noteworthy that Tehran-Washington relations are changing. The fears may refer to Turkish and even Russian forces. that is, all the leading players. Tehran's wording, "any presence of foreign forces," includes multidirectionality.

- Azerbaijan continues belligerent rhetoric and the accumulation of troops on the Armenian-Azerbaijani and Nagorno-Karabakh borders. What is the probability of a new escalation or full-scale war?

- Rather, it is a repressive military policy related to Azerbaijan's haste. Baku has 3 main tasks: opening the Akna-Stepanakert route, launching the Nakhichevan-Azerbaijan communication route, and concluding a peace treaty. Of course, with their agenda.

- Azerbaijan forwarded the new peace treaty proposals to Armenia. Is exchanging offers from time to time aimed at prolonging the process on both sides or is it aimed at achieving a final result?

- The peace agreement will be delayed because it closely relates to the ongoing superpower mediation and guarantees regional competition. It shouldn't happen through unilateral mediation.

- Let's note that Azerbaijan continues to insist that "the main condition for peace and stability in the region is Armenia's renunciation of claims to Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty in word and deed, the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from Azerbaijani territories and the cessation of revanchist policies and actions." Don't such demands bring the process to a dead end?

- Baku has consistently raised the ceiling of its demands. Especially now that he has won. Optimism will not work. Baku still needs to ensure the performance of the short-term problems it has set. "Zangezur Corridor" demarcation has not started, and the peace agreement is dragging on. The conflicting countries in the region inhibit all these.

- The President of the Russian Federation left the entire responsibility of the process on Armenia, noting that Nagorno-Karabakh recognized Armenia as a part of Azerbaijan; therefore, what can Russia do? It doesn't turn out that with such statements, Putin pours water into Azerbaijan's mill, further weakening Armenia's position in the negotiations.

- Yerevan was shocked by making such a statement. Baku not only did not recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia but also invaded the sovereign territory of Armenia. Under these conditions, it is inappropriate to make a unilateral statement. At the same time, however, Moscow is avoiding it, referring to Yerevan's information. Moscow's goal is to keep the steering wheel of the mediation process and extend the period of the peacekeeping mission.

Hayk Magoyan