There was no federal trial in Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan. On this day in 1994, ARF activity was suspended
On December 28, 1994, RA President Levon Ter-Petrosyan announced the temporary suspension of the Armenian Revolutionary Alliance Party. The reason was that the security bodies discovered the "Dro" terrorist organization in the ARF, which had already committed several murders. Moreover, the activities of the ARF in Armenia did not comply with the Law on Socio-Political Organizations. The structure was also accused of drug trafficking.

The adventurers' path will lead to inevitable defeat: "War or peace? Time to get serious."
Don't I know the cheap tricks of pretending to be a hero, being the fulfiller of all national dreams, and pleasing the people at any cost?

"Do it before they blow Demirchyan's head off." Vano Siradeghyan's letter to Vazgen Sargsyan
According to the game's rules, you are carried for seven months. Change the laws of the game. Today, your rebellion is not considered second; it will be considered first—the final step of the uprising.

The treason will never be king, but for now, just another coup
To overcome history, it is necessary for someone to love this country and people more than himself.
ARF cannot but divide the church
There is a doubt that one of the reasons for Ter-Petrosyan's resignation was the ill-timed attempt to unite the churches by bringing the Catholicos of Antilias to Armenia.